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Red Education|“Learn the Party History, Understand Thought” Jinggangshan Red Education and Training Activity Came to a Successful End
Release time:2021.07.23 Read:3587 share

In order to inherit the red gene, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, strengthen the ideal and belief education of party members and cadres, and firmly promote the responsibility of the company's development, under the leadership of the company's party branch secretary, Comrade Liu Guomin, with the strong support of the company's general manager and new party member, Comrade Yuan Dingyou , A total of 18 party members of Changsha Huirui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. went to Jinggangshan to carry out the red education and training activities of "Learning the Party's History and Enlightening Thought" in Jinggangshan.


▲ Comrade Liu Guomin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Huirui Biology


▲ Comrade Yuan Dingyou, general manager and new party member of Huir Biotechnology Co., Ltd.


In Jinggangshan, we drank pumpkin soup, ate red rice, sang the song of the Red Army, walked the Red Army Road, listened to heroic deeds... We visited the Octagon Tower in Maoping, the old site of the Huangyangjie Defense War and a large site on the Hunan-Jiangxi border. , Xiaojing Hospital, Red Army Mint, Martyrs Cemetery, Forest of Steles, Jinggangshan Museum, etc. With the explanation of the interpreter, everyone recalled the touching deeds of Jinggangshan revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely against the enemy and fought tenaciously, and cherished the great achievements of generations of great men. The lofty spirit of the revolutionary martyrs throwing their heads and shedding blood, every visit is an education and a nurturing. This Jinggangshan red education and training has allowed all party members to be educated ideologically, spiritually baptized, and more determined. ideal beliefs.





First of all, we held a special lecture on "Jinggangshan Struggle and Jinggangshan Spirit". The professional teachers used their rich knowledge and experience of party building, theoretical analysis, and hit the key points, so that we fully learned the soul, core, cornerstone and magic weapon of Jinggangshan spirit - "firm persistence" Pursue ideals, seek truth from facts and innovate the road, work hard to overcome difficulties, and rely on the masses to seek victory. By watching the large-scale live performance "Impression of Jinggang Mountain", we have a comprehensive understanding of the struggle history of Jinggangshan for two years and four months. Through the real scenes, we can experience : In the era of revolution, there is no small family, only everyone, no individual, only group and only revolution. This kind of giving up the small family for everyone, this steel-like spirit is like the spark of a candle burning the whole land of China. This kind of spirit is Great and eternal, as a new generation of party members, we must pass on this great spirit from generation to generation, with a long history, and radiate new light under the conditions of the new era!

▲ Scenes of the Jinggangshan Struggle and Jinggangshan Spirit Lectures




▲Photos of watching the large-scale live performance "Impression of Jinggang Mountain"





In the old site of the Hunan-Jiangxi border and the Maoping octagonal building, I learned that under a wick of the octagonal building, Comrade Mao Zedong wrote two brilliant works, "The Struggle in Jinggangshan" and "Why China's Red Regime Can Exist" to illuminate the revolution. It deepened the understanding of Comrade Mao Zedong's brilliant ideas of "armed separation of workers and peasants" and "encircling cities with rural areas".

▲ Scenery of Maoping Octagon Building









In Huangyangjie, we experienced the heroic scenes of "the enemy army was besieged thousands of times, and I stood still" and "Huangyangjie's artillery boomed, reporting the enemy's escape at night".

At the former site of the Xiaojing Red Army Medical Center, we paid condolences in front of the Xiaojing Red Army Martyrs’ Tomb. The tomb of the Martyrs was buried with more than 130 wounded and sick people of the Xiaojing Red Army. Under the coercion and inducement of the reactionaries, they still refused to disclose the direction of the Red Army’s transfer, and they were all shot alive in the end. , the youngest is only 14 years old. "It is a shameful traitor who leads thieves in, the martyrs are buried in red soil; the loyal bones are left everywhere in Jinggang, and the pine tree style inspires our family." All members were deeply shocked by this revolutionary spirit of selfless dedication and courage.

▲Group picture of the condolence scene at the Tomb of the Red Army Martyrs of Xiaojing

▲The scene of the Red Army Mint

In Jinggangshan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery, Jinggangshan Museum. All the members looked solemn and with great reverence, slowly entered the memorial hall. First of all, under the leadership of Comrade Liu Guomin, secretary of the company's party branch, all members laid wreaths to the heroic spirits of the martyrs, bowed three times to the revolutionary martyrs and observed silence, expressing their support for the revolution. The martyrs are deeply missed and admired.

Of the 48,000 martyrs in the Martyrs Cemetery, only 15,744 have left their names, and they have dedicated everything to the Chinese revolution!

In the Forest of Steles and the Sculpture Garden, each inscription highlights the meaning of revolution, and each sculpture conveys the greatness of ideals and beliefs. The grass and trees in the cemetery show the loyal and iron bones of the dead, and also show the passionate revolutionary confidence and fighting spirit, which inspires future generations to work hard, forge ahead, and make achievements in their own posts. After reviewing the oath of joining the party, the party members once again felt the exciting moment of joining the party and reminded themselves to fulfill the oath they once made.

The Jinggangshan Museum comprehensively records the entire process of the revolutionary war of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army from 1927 to 1930, and records how Jinggangshan developed from an obscure land to the greatest revolutionary base in the history of the Chinese revolution. Every step we take is paved with blood and life of countless revolutionary martyrs. Every step we take is so heavy.

Through the study of the Jinggangshan revolutionary traditional education, through the experience and understanding of the Jinggangshan spirit, all the party members expressed that the Jinggangshan spirit is like a beacon, guiding our course; like a mirror, refracting our life; like a bright light, illuminating our future. In the future study, life and work, we should strive to achieve the following five points:

1. Take this study and training as a new starting point, continuously improve your own knowledge and cultivation, think diligently when you encounter problems, and ask for more advice.

2. By feeling the loyalty and belief of the revolutionary martyrs to the revolutionary cause, we can realize the hardships of the revolutionary martyrs not only relying on books, not only on top, but only on facts and searching for the truth. So in the new situation of economic construction, we should have a sense of urgency and crisis. It is necessary to reflect the spirit of pioneering and innovative work, and to seek new development with pragmatic and innovative work measures.

3. Through systematic revolutionary traditional education, wonderful and vivid Jinggangshan spiritual education. In the future work process, we must never be greedy for comfort, never stand still, never slack and retreat, dare to endure hardships, dare to fight hard, and be supported by firm ideas and beliefs, and stick to a pure land in our hearts.

4. Responsibility stems from interest and love for work. Responsibility can stimulate inexhaustible work motivation. In the future work, you must be full of enthusiasm and passion, carefully plan things, concentrate on doing things, and have the courage to take responsibility.

5. Through study and training, find your own gaps, recognize your own deficiencies, change your work methods, change your work ideas, and earnestly perform your duties, so as to truly improve your ideological level, your ideals and beliefs, and your sense of responsibility. Enhancement, so as to strive for first-class work performance.


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