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Huirui Bio was awarded the "University Employment and Entrepreneurship Base"
Release time:2021.12.16 Read:3300 share

On December 13, the employment matchmaking meeting between Jishou University and employers in the plant extraction industry was held in our company. Leaders of the Admissions and Employment Office of Jishou University, representatives of the governing units of the Plantation Association, nearly 20 household units in Changsha, and outstanding graduates of Jishou University attended the meeting.


According to the company's development needs, Mr. Yuan Zhi, the person in charge of the company, expounded the company's talent development concept and human resources development strategy of "gaining wealth with industry and developing business with talent". In order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, since 2011, our company has carried out school-enterprise cooperation with Jishou University, and has introduced outstanding talents from Jishou University for ten consecutive years.

Mr. Yuan said that the graduates of Jishou University are down-to-earth, pragmatic, daring to take responsibility and innovative, which fully reflects the purpose and characteristics of Jishou University's self-discipline, diligence, harmony and innovation. At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to Jishou University for supplying outstanding talents to our company for ten consecutive years.


▲ Mr. Yuan Zhi, head of Changsha Huirui Biology (right)


▲ Jishou University awarded a license to Huirui Biology

At the meeting, Secretary Tian and Director Xu of the Admissions and Employment Office of Jishou University, as well as leaders of 21 colleges and departments, including the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, the School of Medicine, the School of Mathematics and Statistics, the School of Physics and Electricity, the School of Information and Environment, and the School of Information, introduced the various departments of Jishou University. The basic situation of the school, including the number of graduates, employment situation and existing cooperative units, etc., put forward the development idea of building school-enterprise cooperation and realizing a win-win situation between school and enterprise, and expressed the in-depth cooperation between the college's advantageous majors and various units in the plant extraction industry. will.


▲ Secretary Tian of the Admissions and Employment Office of Jishou University

The heads of the participating companies said that the successful convening of this conference has a positive role in promoting the introduction of outstanding talents and solving the problem of "difficulty in recruiting". After the meeting, there will be further in-depth exchanges and discussions with the Admissions and Employment Office of Jishou University on cooperation matters such as industry-university-research, internship, and recruitment.


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